How you can help
Donation and membership
We appreciate every contribution. Help us with an one-time donation, a basic membership or a sustaining membership.
Become a basic member by contributing just 10.- Euro per year.
By contributing min. 10.- Euro per months you can become a sustaining and help support a student get an education.
The basic membership can be cancelled anytime, all you need to do is write to us and let us know that you are canceling your contribution.
To minimize the risk of not being able to support our students until the end of the terms we need to ask you to cancel your sustainable membership (via letter or email) with a three months notice.
All cancellations can be send via email to the Chairs of Aisosh Ethiopia!.
Donation with PayPal is possible! Please click on this logo to donate in €:

Donation with PayPal is possible! Please click on this logo to donate in $:

Account information:
Aisosh Ethiopia! e.V
Mainzer Volksbank
Bankleitzahl: 551 900 00
Kontonummer: 69 65 47 017
BAN: DE65 5519 0000 0696 5470 17 BIC: MVBMDE55
Get involved!
We do appreciate any active support, if you e.g. want to organize a fundraiser or would like to help with our events. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have ideas, suggestions or questions!